Established in 1999, as a Centre of Excellence in Information Technology and allied areas, the IIIT-A was conferred the Deemed University status by Govt. of India in the year 2000.
With an enduring dedication to the pursuit of excellence, IIIT-A offers unparalleled students experiences across a broad spectrum of academic and research endeavours.
The growth of an Institute depends on the dedication and hard work of all the stakeholders. IIITA has a fantastic combination of Faculty, Administrative Officers, and teaching and non-teaching staff who take care a diverse range of issues including human resources, financial activities, research ad
Students are the most dynamic fraternity of the institute. They are always eager to make their mark in the world. Since its inception, IIITA has earned a worldwide reputation in fostering young minds to become successful and highly valued individuals.
The feature of a good society is to have a well organised support system for all possible needs. IIITA offers a comprehensive set of functionaries taking care of all of its community.
Dr. Mandar Subhash Karyakarte | Registrar |
Dr. Asheesh Kumaar | Joint Registrar (AAA) |
Dr. Seema Shah | Joint Registrar (Stores & Purchase) |
Dr. Pavan Kumar Saini | Joint Registrar (Establishment) |
Mr. Om Prakash Srivastava | Joint Registrar (Accounts & Finance) |
Mr. Rajendra Kumar Jena | Dy. Registrar (Library) |
Dr. Mithilesh Kumar Mishra | Technical officer (SS) |
Dr. Kanchan Kumar Tiwari | Asstt. Registrar (AAA) |
Mr. Ajay Kumar Tiwari | Technical Officer |
Mr. Ranjeet Banerjee | Asstt. Registrar (R & D) |
Mr. Vivek Nagar | Asstt. Registrar (Finance & Accounts) |
Mr. Niranjan Kumar | Asstt. Registrar (Purchase) |
Mr. Abhinaba Basu | Technical Officer |
Mr. Jayant Biswas | Asstt. Registrar (Audit) |
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Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad
Devghat, Jhalwa, Prayagraj-211015, U. P. INDIA
Phone: 91-532-2922000, Fax: 91-532-2922125, Email: